Cráb People

A 25-man raiding guild on EU-Talnivarr
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 Post subject: [Declined] Killbaine 80 Death knight
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:55 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:47 am
Posts: 1
Player Summary:
Name: Andreas
PC/Internet Reliability:Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.2GHz / 8mbit telia broadband connection, have never acctualy had problems with my line it's stabile and relieable.
Can you use Ventrillo and do you have a working mic which you can speak with? I sure do, do enjoy saying some words now and then.
Tell us about yourself... (please enter more than one sentence)
Well my name as you know is Andreas. I live somewhere in the right midle of sweden in a town called Tibro. I'm currently studying at a School named FĂĄgelviks Gymnasiet, I'm on my second year of senior high and looking forward for my third year to begin, acctualy want out from school but. I'm studying at a program called "Bygg" meaning a hard man with alot of tools and building houses etc ^^
Some of my real hobbies is playing music all day long, playing with three mates aswell in our own litle band hoping to get something on record soon, but for now it's mostly for the fun of it. I play the drumms^^ Btw something to mention "Hellsbow" that I know is in the guild is one of the helping teachers on the school I'm going to, so I mostly meet him everyday in the music hall. And ofcourse as everyone else I assume I do love to play world of warcraft , heavy metal, snus and alot of fun crazy stuff.

Character Summary:
Class:Death Knight
Armory Link:
Quick summary of pve gear stats: "pve dps" mostly 232 gear, 4-5 items 245, "tank offspecc" 232items , death caped 36.7k hp unbuffed (not stamina gemmed)
Main Talent Spec (link to talent calculator): (unholy boost)
Main Talent Major Glyphs:"Glyph of Dark Death" "Glyph of Scourge Strike" "Glyph of Unholy Blight"
Secondary Talent Spec (link to talent calculator): ... ne&group=2 (pvp blood, mostly blood tank in the offspecc)
Tell us why you play the class you do: Well, I used to play priest along time ago and recently I played Warlock, though one day I was at a friends house who also plays on talnivarr and we came upon the idea to start raffing two new characters, and we thought like hm? what now then? so I buyed a new account from scratch and we started to raf up a hunter and a shammy, we got to 60in about one day and 2hours "not ingame days" but then I thought like hm hunter? really my thing? nah?! So I told him to wait abit and logged out and started Killbaine, so to say I did it more on a impuls though I had never played a dk either, I haven't been 80 for long at all but I know the class by now. So long story short here it's. Funny how things can turn out ey?

Show us a screenshot of your UI in a raiding enviroment:Image

Are you willing to respec to improve raid performance?: Ofcourse what else do I have to spend my money on :)

(DPS only) Describe your dmg rotation during a bossfight: I use to start of with Icy touch, Plague strike, Scourge Strike, Death Coil, Blood Stirke, Blood Strike, Scourge Strike "renew on the glyph is going out" Renew full on Icy touch, Plague strike and onwards. BL usage or cds "wrathstone" "Blood fury" "Gargoyle" can push out alot of damage.

List the keybinds you use: s-2 , s-3 , s-4 , s-5 " Ctrl-1 , Ctrl-2 , Ctrl-3 , Ctrl-4 " s-E , s-Q , s-F , s-V , s-C " Tab.
S= left shift.

List the macro's you use:
/raid O <Thadius)
/raid /|\
/raid +++ | -----
/raid /\

/cast Blood Strike (tanking)
/cast rune strike

/use Repelling Charge
/cast Unbreakable Armor
/cast Icebound Fortitude
/use Fel Healthstone

/cast [target=mouseover] Death Grip

/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/target bomb bot
/cast chains of ice

/cast [target=mouseover] Dark Command
that's pretty much it.

List the days/hours you can raid:Monday-Sunday anytime that I'm needed. Quiting school as late as 16.00 only on wednesdays, always available if I'm needed by the guild.

Will you sign up for raids in advance and stick to your commitments?
Ofcourse, will announce if I'll be able to come to a raid in a good time, and if not why so and trying to solve it.

What is your opinion on raid selection rotation? I think the guild and the raid should settle with the best option for the nights raid, if someone have to pass it should be taken in a mannered way. Passing for someone else isn't hard and thinking of what the raid can benefit on the most for some encounters etc is alot better then trying and trying without it making up.

How do you usually prepare for raids and encounters?
twelve pack of Tuborg, one General White (snus), making sure I've eaten etc before raids starts so it won't be needed that someone have to leave just because someone yells "dinner", Ofcourse I'm flasked for the whole evning and beyond. Bringing power food if I'm needed to use it on my own.

What kind of PVE experience do you have and what has it taught you? Ow! haha eh (scratching my head) well alright here's my story.
I started playing world of warcraft when the first beta release came out. I started of as I told you before playing troll priest on the realms of kor'gall. I leveled up with my two brothers , a couple of cousins and some irl friends. We all had one goal though already from the start, we where suppose to become one of the top guilds of the realm, We became 60 pretty fast by that time so to speak and by the time we all where 60 we started of a guild called "Decay" We oppened up the applications to the guild and found many new dinged folks aswell who gladly joined. We started of by farming BRD, LBRS, UBRS etc for some smaller gear to be able to enter the fearsome ZG. By the time we had enough gear and geared people for it, we entered ZG the first time, it took us about two weeks to get the hang of it and Downed hakkar after two hard working weeks of ZG remember it as it was tomorrow^^ And from there we had new challenged awaiting, Molten Core had it's door open, BWL and the dragon Onyxia, we where the first guild of the realm to down both Nefarian, Onyxia, Ragnaros, and Hakkar, we also managed to bring our tank warrior "grufnaria" on that time the realm first Thunderfury blessed blade you know? the lightning sword awesome? aye! So it keept on going until the funny patch came out opening of ahn'qiraj gates!! And guess what? We managed to down C'thun after three weeks of very very very hard work in Ahn'Qiraj and therfore became the second guild on the realm to down him <.< Fail isn't it? As you can imagine we all became very sad but well can't win everytime right? Can also mention that we did Naxxramas 40 man on that time aswell, we managed to pull our asses all the way to Kel'thuzad but that was all, at this time TBC was released and people started of leveling again, our old guild "Decay" was now falling apart, alot of people left the game because of the expansion and some moved realms, but some of us the most dedicated of them all, we decided to move our guild to Dragonmaw. There we recreated the "Decay" but renamed as "Crit Happens" very well not to make your eyes bleed all to much long story short in TBC we managed to do kara-BT (illidan) that's how far I got in TBC,
Wotlk I've done Naxx again and this time downed Kel'Thuzad whoho ! "what a challenge"? os10,25 maly10,25, ulduar10,25 ToC10,25 also includes HC verions in some of the instances, Toc25 HC I've managed to do two bosses and ToC10 three. This is some of my raiding experiance, it sure has given me alot of experiance on the way just about how the game evolves, how raids have changed ever seens hardworking 40man raids to 10people running around with badge gear and wtf the instances all over. I know what it takes to be a dedicated raider and member to a good guild with high standards and expectations.

What is your opinion on Raid Achievements? e.g Heroic: Glory of the Raider
Well I'm one of those who aint much for achievments, I do some and that's it^^ sure it's fun to get titles and hard modes etc, but it aint really something for me. Or I don't care acctualy but eh?
What other guilds have you been in - summarise them and give reasons for your leaving:
Decay-Disbanded realm: Kor'gall
Crit Happens-Disbanded realm: Dragonmaw
Heta nätter i haiti-disband realm: Talnivarr
Gubbarna-I left gubbarna because some of the members there are aroggant and show no respect for others, ans the question before was how do you think about raid setups? They were maxing up teams for example Toc10 hc that many wanted to get done, but some where left behind and I don't like that kind of stuff, aswell as I had an arrgument with Veinbreak the DK cl of gubbarna , I was one of them who said what I thought about stuff and trying to make stuff better but it wasen't appreciated, so I left the guild and looking for a new home of love.

Why do you want to join Cráb People?
We all know by fact Cráb People is a great guild?!
One very good thing is that it has a good and strong leadership allready at place. I think it can be a guild for my expectations and filling your needs.

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 Post subject: Re: [Declined] Killbaine 80 Death knight
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:41 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:51 pm
Posts: 843

Basically we are full on deathknights at the moment, however I am still considering exceptional players/applications of course.
Though unfortunately your character just doesn't meet our recruitment standards regardless of how good the application is or isn't.
If you're interested in hints and tips I can gladly give it to you in private messages.

Though as somewhat stated above this application is declined, Good luck in your future search.


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