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[DECLINE] X-realm Application Restoration/Enhancement Shaman
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Author:  Mekansm [ Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  [DECLINE] X-realm Application Restoration/Enhancement Shaman

Character Name: Peyma
Character Class: Shaman
Character Spec: Restoration (duelspec = Enhancement)
UI: ... 222536.jpg

Armory Link: ... &n=Mekansm
Your Country: I live in The Netherlands.

/Played: 47 days on this character, about 150 days on my Druid.

Your Age: I am 20 years old.

previous raiding guilds:
Akatsuki, Unknown, reGeneration, "The Imperium"
previous raiding guilds:
Akatsuki, Unknown, reGeneration, "The Imperium"

Reasons for leaving every raiding guild: I'm dissapointed with my current guild's progress. I'm a guy who does not mind whiping all day on a single boss when theres progress, and its a new boss etc. What I do mind is 2 things, giving up after 3 whipes, but mostly not even trying to do content because you think people dont want to whipe, I mean common... Does everything have to be handed to people on a platinum plate? This game is already so easy. and you cant stand a few whipes on new content? (Even though I have to admit with the players the guild has now, clearing Ulduar 25 man is probably not a very likely outcoming).... (The first 3 guilds on above lists were merges, untill at one point after a long time everyone went their seperate ways and the guild died, Imperium came after, it was my last guild before I had my friend playing my druid (previous main, ill give more info in 'about me') when I took a break from wow.

Pve Experience:
I've done every raid In both vanilla and TBC, my first guilds (Akatsuki, Unknown, reGeneration - I was an Officer in these guilds -) had all realm first kills in Molten Core (apart from Magmadar (caus we lacked a hunter)) we had realm first kills on both outdoor bosses Azuregos and Kazzak. We had realm 4 realm first kills in BWL (cant remember which ones exactly, but Nefarian was included) (On Agamaggan and later Kor'Gall).

I started WotlK after a 7 month break from WoW, my previous guilds were all disbanded and most of my friends/people I started playing with had quit, I moved my char to Outland to play with some friends I had been playing with for a long time (Cs and dota), for which I had to sacrifice joining a competetive and dedicated hardcore raiding guild (which I regret). I did all the raids in WoTlk pre 3.1 apart from OS 3 drakes up, simply caus the guild didnt have the players for it. My Ulduar experience is not so good (mainly caus of my disability to play, due to being hospitalized after a carcrash)

About me:

My name is Peyma, I live in the Netherlands and am currently studying Law at the ‘Free University’. I will have my Master’s degree in Law (LLM) next year. Apart from studying there, I work there (the University) as well (and I work at a law firm too), as a junior legal scientist. But by far most of my time is spent playing games.

Approximately 9 or 10 years ago I started playing Counter-Strike, over time I became fairly good at it. A few years later Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos got released, and I started playing it after some friends recommended it to me, and became fairly good at that aswell (was top10 europe ladder for some time), I played The Frozen Throne from releasedate too obviously .

After a few years I stopped playing Counter-strike actively and put more time into Warcraft. Soon rumours started to spread about a role playing game about warcraft, before I knew it I was playing in the WoW closed beta and I became hooked.

Me and about 20 (dutch) friends from counter-strike (and some from warcraft aswell) started our own guild upon official release (Akatsuki). I was playing a (Resto) druid back then (I have been a healer in every MMORPG I have played in the past 8 years). It didnt take long before our guild grew bigger and became the best guild on the server (Agamaggan server, we moved eventually, because there were too many Spanish players on the server), eventually we merged with another guild and we continued under the name 'Unknown'.

Things were cool and I was having fun and playing alot. After a while I realised I was running circles in Orgrimmar for hours before figuring out what to do next. It was at that point I took a break from playing World of Warcraft and started playing 'Dota' (defence of the ancients), a game I had already been playing while I was playing Warcraft and WoW , a game which was gradually growing from a funmap to a serious competitive game. I have been playing dota actively since then, I started playing a lot less around 6 months ago though.

Recently I began playing WoW really actively again, which is why I am looking for a guild at the moment. I'm already in a guild, however it is a casual/social one (atleast turned into it), but I am, and have always been a competitive and hardcore player, at this point i'm looking for a really good guild to actively clear new content. (FYI: I ‘borrowed’ my druid to a good friend before I ‘took a break’, after I came back he had put so much time and effort into the character that I could not bring it to myself to ask him back my character, hence the Shaman…)

How I can contribute to the guild:

- I am a very dedicated 'hardcore' and very competitive player. I've always wanted to be the best in whatever I did (even WoW!). My dedication will without a doubt contribute to the guild, since i'm one of those players that can do a 100 whipes on a boss and still have fun and laugh with people on ventrilo. (No laughing obviously when theres people fucking up, talking about progress raids which require trying out and obviously involve whiping).

- I'm a fun person to hang around with (on voicecom etc..., - its not me putting feathers up my ass, its what I hear from other people )

- I can beatbox (some people say im really good at it), have always brought people pleasure on ventrilo with some beatboxing in between raids and before bosses / after whipes, which in my previous guild always gave people some morale when needed! (everything on its time obviously, no bullshit when things are serious )

NB: Not mentioned in my 'gaming history' above, but probably noteworthy that I was a dedicated Everquest, Lineage II and FFXI player as well.

PS: I have been inactive (from WoW) the past 2.5 months, because I was hospitalized after a carcrash (fully recovered now). But as mentioned above, i'm a really competetive player and played on high level any game I played, im 100% positive i can pick up on everything in no time.

Thanks for reading my application!

Author:  Krunk [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-realm Application Restoration/Enhancement Shaman

Sorry but we are currently full on shamans, GL finding a new guild !

Author:  Lactose [ Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [DECLINE] X-realm Application Restoration/Enhancement Shaman

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