Cráb People

[Declined] Fulken, Mage X-realm X-faction.
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Author:  fulkin [ Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  [Declined] Fulken, Mage X-realm X-faction.

Age & Occupation
Hi my name is Joe Murphy and im a 22 year old student from Ireland. Currently studying my 2nd year of Chemistry with the hopes of someday being an overpaid lecturer who fucks over kids with really shit hard questions on the exam and make little fools cry over it :D I have a part time job in Xtravsion at the weekends (it’s a video rental/retail store for those who don’t know) In my spare time I watch a shit load of tv programs ( house, how I met your mother, simpsons, Cleveland show, family guy, big bang theory, two and a half men, American dad and well plenty more!) I have been known to read from time to time, currently reading the gotrex and felix series. Ive got a lovely girlfriend who is in her final year of college and ive been seen in a pub from time to time too ( quite often after raids love the time difference) In game I have always tried to do the best that I can possibly do, be it progress or farm raids or simply when im chilling out I’ll be making jokes and helping out if I can.
Wow history - previous guilds and raid experience

Pre-TBC: ZG full clear
TBC: Kara, Gruul, Maggy, SSC, TK, MH, BT, Sunwell 3/6, ZA (bear runs too but I never received a bear, will never forgive my guild for that stupid people not turning up all the time)
WOTLK: Naxx 10/25, OS 3d 10/25, Malygos, (missing immortal, 20 man KT (have other bosses) 20 man Malygos (KT and Maly both done the same day—when I was in college cramming for my final exam), Malygos 6 mins, shocking and gona go when the volcano blows for meta)
Ulduar 10/25 except algalon . HM’s ive got experience with all the 10 mans having completed all but firefighter, General V and Yoggy +1. On 25 man ive got the achievement for FL +4 and have attempts under my belt for Council,Heartbreaker (guild kill has been achieved but I was afk at the time) Thorim, General V and Hodir.
ToC 10/25 I’ve 5/5 in both
ToGC 10/25 On 10 man ive done 4/5 with god knows how many Anub attempts but I either always get stuck with retard healers or tanks or someone has to go and we don’t finish it. On 25 man I’ve done 3/5 with best attempt on Twins being 37%

ICC 10: 7/9 I’ve yet to raid 10 man this week to get into the new wing
ICC 25: 6/9 with 50% tries on Putricide and tries on Princes on Wednesday this week

Well to begin with Vanilla wow was very short for me, I started playing my hunter in September and TBC hit us in January. I only did 1 raid, ZG, with some friends of mine and that was it I was hooked. I pvped a lot to get the epic gear and raced to 70 when the expansion hit. I was on ghoustlands at the time but transferred to Frostwhisper with some friends to join Eternal Fury for TBC content. Unfortunately it didn’t work out and the guild never left 10 man content while I was there. I went to Frostbane for a while and then ended up in Equillibrium. When the shit hit the fan at Lady Vashj I transferred to trollbane where I went on to see all but the last 3 bosses of SWP in Non Compos Mentis. I took a brief summer break from NCM before WOTLK where I came to Mazrigos to level my mage and play with some RL friends, during that time I joined The Blood Gods but never did any raiding with them as I went back to NCM shortly after I reached 70.

NCM was my home for 2 years and still is under its new title Eta Beta Pi on Burning Blade. While still on Trollbane we raided steadily until ulduar (completing 25 man 3d and most of the other meta achievements except immortal and malygos 6 mins, I myself am only missing TK 20 man from the dedicated few as I was at a birthday party at the time of the kill for that achievement) where we never really took off like we should have.

We got the 10 man hms done (myself completing all 1st kills on my hunter for all but firefighter, general and yogg) and got FL 4 towers and Deconstructor hm on 25. I took a small break from the game and came back to kill all ToC 25 normal modes and all but Anub 10 hm (I still haven’t killed the twat as we don’t really run it anymore which is a huge pain as I stepped out of a number of kills so that we could get in lolfurycleavespamftwfagbag warriors, the same has happened with ulduar as I don’t have my mount as we never go back and nobody ever wants to when I try to set it up, something I’m actively trying to get on my mage and then if time permits on my hunter aswell)

Due to 10 key raiders leaving for the dutch guild Denial on Trollbane we were forced to seek other options and after some long talks we migrated to Burning Blade and merged with The Triad who was under the management of some of the officers RL friends. These days EBP have cleared all but Putricide 25 and the new wing of ICC (10 or 25) and we have still to down Twins (33% after 4 tries!) and Anub 25 hm. I no longer raid on my hunter as due to people disappearing we ran very short on mages so I powered mine to 80, spend 12 hours doing randoms and now sit as one of the best geared players in the guild.
Im currently still in EBP but I have informed them of my intent to leave the guild, I’ve talked with the officer team and they have asked me to remain in the guild until I’ve made my decision of where to go, I will continue to raid with them but I won’t be bidding on any items I’m just there to help them fill up raids. I don’t think there is anyone I’ve raided with who would say a bad word about me, I’m very nice to everyone and never have a bad word to say about anyone unless they absolutely deserve it and even then I probably won’t even be that harsh on them, I don’t like being a dick to people and I don’t like being treated badly either.

Why I play WoW:
Having fun with friends during raids, I’m all for seriousness but as soon as progress is over I love nothing more than to crack a beer and have fun while tearing through bosses. I love the relief when you finally get a hard boss down too it’s one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in game and something I love to do as much as I can.
What annoys me:
Dumb people who turn up on Wednesdays to loot free epics and are never seen again until the following Wednesday and then complain when they aren’t picked to raid the one day they turn up. I also fucking hate and I mean HATE people who cant ever get out of the fire even after the 20th attempt it actually makes me want to beat their parents for having such a dumb child!
Armory link and Why I chose my current character/spec/professions:

Well currently I play my mage, Fulken: ... ta+Beta+Pi

Profession wise I change them as often as I change my socks, currently I took herbalism to restock my flasks and potion collection and I plan on taking alchemy when I’m finished farming for 2 hour flasks. As for tailoring I’ve not bothered to max it yet even though I have 3 ToC patterns in my bank mainly because I may change it to JC as I’m not too fond of proc based buffs as they can’t be controlled and I’d rather have a flat SP boost constantly. My hunter has maxed JC and Ench (with the Uld patterns, most of the TBC patterns except Executioner and some of the 5 man ones. I also have the 29 SP pattern from MC). My hunter has max fishing, first aid and cooking so I haven’t been too bothered with levelling my mages ones but it’s on my to do list.

Raiding Spec: ... f0o:Nzi0Vz

standard arcane spec nothing special in it, I’ve taken 2 points in Incanter’s Absorption as it is still a powerful talent even though it’s not as powerful without a disco priest around or crazy Twins fight but my fire/frost ward triggers it and it’s easy to keep them up if I need to.
My dual spec is always changing normally it’s frost pvp spec for battlegrounds or FFB for when we go to ToGC for Anub 25 (at least that was the plan not needed it tbh as we haven’t gotten to him on 25 man)

I’ve tried a large portion of the WOTLK hard modes but due to a short raid schedule my previous guilds had a lot of trouble with them, especially 25 player versions. Most of my experience is on my hunter (link to armory will be in alts section)
Fulkin: ... &cn=Fulkin

My original hunter, although she’s had a race change since she took her first steps in wow. I’ve done most of my raiding on this here hunter with the exception of ICC (although I’ve killed Saurfang 25 on her, traps are op it seems)
Fulkira: ... cn=Fulkira
My priest sitting happily at 70, just use it to transmute and make pots and such and if im not feeling too lazy I do the JC daily on it too. I’ve no immediate plans to level it to 80.
Playtime is somewhere around 150 days with 100+ on my hunter

WOL link:

that’s the WOL for EBP you can see most of our recent raids there and my performance in those that I attended.

UI/Computer shizzel:

Most Important addons:
SexyCooldowns: Tracks my cooldowns for my spells and trinkets etc great mod absolutely mandatory for everyone imo
MyThreat: Tells me my threat as a percentage of the tanks of my current target, placed right smack in the middle of my screen so I can see it, it’s much better than omen for me as I really don’t care about anyone else threat and frees up a load of room
BigWigs: Timers for all the boss abilities and phase shifts absolutely invaluable everyone should have it (or dbm whatever floats your boat)
Honourable mentions are Bartender4,Grid,Quartz,Miks scrolling battle text, Power Auras classic and Geist.

screenshot of my UI : ... 224429.jpg ... 224242.jpg
One of me at the bank in Dalaran and the other in AB with grid and geist visable

Non Keybound abilities:
Portals and Professions, also Focus Magic as I couldn’t be arsed keybinding it to anything. Also don’t have a keybinding for creating mana gem, slow fall and wild magic(almost never use these I have all my other pots keybound) potion because I rarely use any of them except create mana gem.

My Baby:
I run an intel core i7 with 6gb DDR3 on a intel DX58SO mobo with an ASUS radeon HD 5770. I play on a 32” monitor and with max settings have 30-40 fps during raids (minimum shadows) I can drop my settings to up my fps to 100+ if I want but I don’t see the point.
Im on Smart Telecom running 100 mbps supposedly (not even close tbh) but I never have any lag on my end unless we’re downloading like maniacs but we haven’t downloaded anything in months. I’ve had 1 major outage in the last 2 years I’ve been on this line but that was when I was running it wirelessly and my wireless card died (oddly enough it took 2 days to figure that out, always the stupid things)

Well I’d like to thank anyone who read all this! It is quite long and full of info that you may not even need. I guess I should say that I’m a very dedicated player who always pushes himself in every raid and that I guarantee I’m an asset to the guild. I’m never afraid to talk on vent when needed but I generally have a lot of things going on when I’m not raiding like college work or my girlfriend being about so I don’t always spend loads of time on it outside of raids (well I do but I be afk often). I do love to talk about music and movies and general nonsense with people though and I love piss taking and other funnies while on vent too. I do want good progress but I really prefer a good atmosphere to do it in where people are actually friends. As the title says this is x-realm and x-faction so it’s a rather large money investment to make on my part so I’m not kidding when I say I want to play with the Crab People, this isn’t just a random application I have put a lot of taught and heart into it.
I would like to point out that at the moment work prevents me from raiding on Sunday evenings for the most part, some Sundays I’ll be there and some I won’t, I’m actively trying to get this sorted so that I have a day shift at work.
In case your wondering I found your guild through the wow forums .
Again thank you all for reading it, I hope your brains didn’t melt half way through. Looking forward to hearing from you. If you would like to talk further just email me or leave a reply to the application and I’ll make a little alt or come on VT to chat.

Author:  Enigma [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fulken, Mage X-realm X-faction.

First of all, I've gotta say that this is one of the best applications I've ever read; however, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to decline this for several reasons: First of all, we don't have room for more Mages atm; Second, your gear is also a little bit low and your dps is a little bit low for your gear level.

Good luck with finding a new Guild.

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