Cráb People

[Declined] Wonzo Mage
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Author:  Wonzo [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  [Declined] Wonzo Mage

Your real life name and age:

* My name its Tim and 16 years old.

Character Name:

* Wonzo


* 80


* Mage


* Blood Elf

Country (Geographical Location):

* Sweden


* 450 Jewelcrafting and 245 Tailoring

Do you have any open applications to other guilds?

* No, not atm.

What do you think you have to offer to the guild?

* Items that I do not need, for example as Binds When Equiep from ICC.

Talent spec and reason for choosing you talents:

* Arcane


* [Glyph of Arcane Blast]
[Glyph of Arcane Missiles]
[Glyph of Molten Armor]
[Glyph of Slow Fall]
[Glyph of the Penguin]
[Glyph of Arcane Intellect]

How is your gear?

* My gear is fine for icc 10/25 and 10/25 toc hc I hope it's okay to check the armory and then I see what
you think.

Any level 80 alts you want to mention?

* No. I have no alt lvl 80 for my devils on my mage and just want to get better with my mage.

What days/times do you usually play? When are you regularly available for raiding?:

* I play alot. currently unemployed so i play everyday. Maybe sometime when I am with friends :P

You can come to all our raid days - YES/NO (Why not?)

* Yes I can you have perfect raiding times also

Can you raid past 23:30

* Yeah Untill 00:30

Previous guilds and reasons for leaving?

* I am with the guild Gubbarna I'm looking for a new guild, 10-15 hardcore raiders have leave our guild. I would even begin to raid icc 10/25 hc

Why do you want to join Cráb People?

* For Having fun while raiding and Have a good progress in Warth of the lich king =)

Please provide a link to your armoory:

* ... r&cn=Wonzo

Are you willing to use Ventrilo, and can you understand spoken English?

* Sure

Do you have a mic?

* Yes ofc i have a mic :)

What is your raiding experience? please provide extra detail about icecrown

* Icc 10 (10/12) Bosses
Icc 25 (7/12) Bosses Gunship hc Down
Toc 10 (5/5) Bosses
Toc 25 (5/5) Bosses
Toc 10 HC (4/5) Bosses
Toc 25 HC (4/5) Bosses
I know tacts for Sindragosa and Lich King to
Are you willing to bring consumeables (Mana pots, speed pots. flasks etc. with you to raids and use them when requested?

* Of course. I would bring Flask of the Frost Wyrm (125 sp)

Are you willing to get saved to progress runs , potentially 11/12 bosses down?

* Yes , im willing to help the guild in all ways.

Do you know anyone in Cráb People?

* No, I do not but I hope I can join anyway.

Why should we recruit you?

* I'm online everyday. I know how to play my class (Mage). Im a social guy.

If you see fire on the ground - what do you do?

* I had run away.

Author:  Miba [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wonzo Mage

Hello. I am not an officer, or even playing for that matter. Just giving you a quick heads up here. Don't get your hopes up too high. Crab People are progressing the hardest content ingame, while you have yet to complete even the last tier. In addition to that you are lacking one profession (sub 400 is useless) and you're incredibly overcapped on hit, but still wearing a hit trinket when you could have gotten a better one in normal 5mans or even for lowest tier badges.

Good luck though.

Author:  Geit [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wonzo Mage

Sigh.... Declined... You should know for all the reasons -.-

Author:  mambola [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Declined] Wonzo Mage

nooooo my free epics :(

* Items that I do not need, for example as Binds When Equiep from ICC.

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