Cráb People

[Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior
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Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  [Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

Player Summary:
Name: Gerald Vassallo
Age: 16, 17 in December :P
Location: Hamrun, Malta
PC/Internet Reliability: I have good pc, with e7300 duo core, 2GB RAM, 7900gs nvidia graphic card, gold edition ( Overclocked from nvidia fabrics) As internet i have 4mb/s with 120 max ms ingame, i never get dced if it's not a server shutdown.
Can you use Ventrillo and do you have a working mic which you can speak with? Yeah i have ventrilo and a good mic to communicate with ya :)
Tell us about yourself... So i'm 16 year old guy that lives in Malta. I finsihed my secondary school in March and now i'm doing O'lvls exams. I have a twin brother and an older sister. But that will not be a problem of using pc because the pc is mine and only me use it. At the moment i'm going out with a girl but this should not be a problem regarding raiding. Something on me is im a very friendly person who likes to have fun in life and try to take everything cool and relax :)

Character Summary:
Name: Fossa
Class: Warrior
Armory Link: ... r&cn=Fossa

Quick summary of pve gear stats: So i have 48k hp unbuffed with 28.86% Dodge, 21.44% Parry, 18.94% Block. As defence i have 567 with 30k armor.
Main Talent Spec (link to talent calculator):

Main Talent Major Glyphs: Glyph of Cleaving : I use that for AoE tanking, It is good that i hit 3 targets instead of 2..= more treath on packs in few seconds.
Glyph of Taunt : I use this glyph because on some fights i need to taunt loads of times, example saurfang i need to taunt like 7 times so i don't want to risk a miss on taunt!
Glyph of Devestate : I use this so i just need to do 3 devestate on boss fights and i will be with 5 stacks, Cause of this i can burst my treath faster because i can use my other high treath abilities more long before.

Secondary Talent Spec (link to talent calculator): it is my pvp specc ^^
Tell us why you play the class you do: So i play this class because i like it and it is not like some other classes where you don't need any skills to play with. As a warrior i love that you have to use the abilities in the exact order to make good treath or good dps. Example as i can say in prot, if i use HS before devestate when im gonna pull i'm going to have no rage left for like 2 sec and those 2 sec means loosing of treath or my guildies can't go all out for nukage!

Show us a screenshot of your UI in a raiding enviroment:

Are you willing to respec to improve raid performance?: Yeah ofcourse, i'm willing to do everything my guils asks for, ofc if it will be of an improvement. Because if there is anytime that i will see that the idea you gave is not defo not good, im gonna explain to you why i'm not gonna do it.

List the keybinds you use: So i have all my keys binded on my keyboard, im gonna right em all down as they are and what ability they are binded to.
'1' = Charge
'2' = Devestate
'3' = Revenge
'4' = Thunderclap
'5' = Cleave
'Shift 1' = Last stand
'SHift 2' = Intimidating shout
'Shift 3' = Berserker rage
'Shift 4' = Mocking blow
'Shift 5' = Shockwave
'Shift 6' = Intervene
'V' = Concussion blow
'F' = Taunt
'G' = Spell Reflect
'T' = Shield bash
'console' = Heroic strike
'Middle mouse' = Shield slam
'F1' = Battle stance
'F2' = Defensive stance
'F3' = Berserker stance

List the days/hours you can raid: I can raid mostly everyday at anytime till late.

Will you sign up for raids in advance and stick to your commitments? Yeah ofcourse, if i sign up for a raid i'm gonna be there 100% no matter what!

How do you usually prepare for raids and encounters? I usually if it is a new boss fight for me i go and watch videos/read tacs about the boss. I check if i have enough potions/flasks/food buffs for the whole raid and maybe some overtime, if not i go and buy asap.

What kind of PVE experience do you have and what has it taught you? I started to play WoW at WoTKL release so my experience is
Naxx : 10/25 cleared
Malygos 10 : cleared, never went 25
OS 10/25 : cleared. even 3 drakes in both 10/25
Ulduar 10 : 12/13
Ulduar 25 : 8/13
TotC 10/25 : Cleared, killed faction champs 10 man pre nerf.
TotGC 10 : Cleared. Have immortality, didn't done ToTGC 25 :(
ICC 10 : 11/12
ICC 25 : 11/12
ICC 10 hc : 9/12, didn't done 25 yet
From this experience i learned how to play as a team and to like my class/game even more. This is because i was really thrilled when i killed some bosses i've been wiping on em loads of times.

What is your opinion on Raid Achievements? e.g Heroic: Glory of the Raider
They are a means which a guild can prove it is truly well an oil machine

What other guilds have you been in - summarise them and give reasons for your leaving: I've been in 'The illuminati' which i raided Ulduar and ToTC with em, then we merged with Cliche but meanwhile i stopped playing for like 3 months. When i cam back i joined Hydra and now the guild leader and some players i really liked in the guild left Hydra and join Ress plz. The players left in Hydra are all my friends but not as like as the others were. Know what i mean? :P

Where did you hear of Crab people when searching for a new guild(friend, trade spam, etc)? Everyone heared of Crab people, in trade, /1 during icc everywhere :P Your progression keeps everyone astonished.
Why do you want to join Crab people? It is a really good guild with nice progression. I want to be a hardcore raider in a friendly enviroment and i think Crab people will suite perfectly for me. Even another thing is that i want to join a guild that don't call a raid if they are nearly a kill on a boss.

I want to add some personal achivments i have and are important for me :
Solo tank marrogwar 10 HC
Solo tank dreamwalker valitriha 10 man normal
Solo tank 2 blood princess melee bosses 10 man

That's all i have to say,
Hope you like my application and will have some nice replies^^

Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

Something i changed now is one of my major glyphs, i swapped Glyph of taunt with Glyph of vigilance. This is because 5% more treath is loads better.

Author:  raser [ Mon May 24, 2010 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

what if u miss a taunt then :O?

Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

Since i'm a bit over hit cap it is quite impossible to miss taunt, and if it will happen i have mocking blow, if mocking blow is on cd and it is a single target tanking or adds didn't spawned yet i have challenging shout :)

Author:  Miba [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

From my experience when I used to play my warrior, the sustained threat was never really a big deal. That was on a lower gear level I suppose, but on fights like sindragosa or putrilol for example, having a taunt resist can fuck shit up, but having 5% less threat rarely does.

Note now that I am not an officer, nor even playing. And even when I was, my warrior was just an alt. :)

Author:  Geit [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

Nothing is heroic on your gear. Why take the helm as offspec item. Why the glove enchant.


Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

So i didn't took the helm as one of my tier piece is because i don't have a better chest atm, if i will get one i'm gonna chane it and take helm, alrdy got the tier 10, as enchant on my gloves i prefer a 2% treath and 10 parry instead of 180 hp, this is because i alrdy have nice hp without that enchant. I know i was declined but wanted to answer your questions ^^

Author:  Geit [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

"nice hp" wtf.. your a tank... The more hp the better!

Also.. chest? why not craft the legs? :s

Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

So i didn't craft the legs due the lack of money i have atm :( Yeah the more hp the better, but you think 180 hp is gonna make a lot of difference in any encounter? no offence but 180hp is not that much, if it was 40 stam yeah i would go for it for sure.
If i would have the money i would get those legs cause they are bis. But unfortunately i don't have the money to buy those mats atm :(

Author:  Fossa [ Mon May 24, 2010 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Declined] Fossa Orc Prot Warrior

Another thing i would like to say is, in your first reply you told me that i don't have any hc gear, yeah i know but in your topic 'read befor apply' there is a phrase saying that one needs to have atleast tier 10, i have 4 pieces tier 10.5 nad nearly full 264 except for shield and trinket that unfortunately neither a shield neither a trinket from ICC 25/10 hc dropped for me since now

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