Cráb People

A 25-man raiding guild on EU-Talnivarr
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 Post subject: [Withdrawn] Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:10 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
Posts: 5
Character Name: Oricc
Class: Hunter
Spec: Marksmanship
Armory URL: ... n&cn=Oricc

Real Life info:
My Name is James Bentley, I am 18 years old and I have lived for the last 4 years in London England, however I am originally from New York City. I am currently studying economics and physics as the University of Chicago.

Raid Experience:
12/12 ICC 10 hc (LK hc was realm 2nd with 20% ICC buff), 11/12 ICC 25 hc (Putri and Sindi were with 15% ICC buff and both Realm 3rds)
4/4 RS 10 normal, 4/4 RS 25 normal (no attempts on RS heroic on 10 man, but I have attempted phase 1 on 25 man heroic the day of the release, our best attempt got us shakily into phase 2 where we promptly wiped due to a lack of living healers)
5/6 ToTGC 10, 5/6 ToTGC 25, 6/6 ToTC 10, 6/6 ToTC 25 (all done while it was relevant content)
23/25 Uld hm

Kara cleared
ZG cleared
TK cleared (kael was post nerf)
SSC cleared up to vashj
hyjal fist 2 bosses

None (I started playing in BC)

Quartz, Omen, Pibull, OmniCC, ZugZug Huntar, Grid2, Recount, Omen, Sexymap, Bartender 4, Chatter, InternalCooldowns, DXE, NeedtoKnow, Simple MD

I have included a link to my current guild WoL reports that should be updated as we progress (I have been involved in every raid between the 9th of September and the 18th of September, unfortunately I do not have any more relevant logs, but I could join some ICC pugs to produce some upon request)

Here is a screenshot of my UI

And here is a Video of my first Putricide25 man hc kill:

Furthermore I have a few references who can give information about my ability as a hunter (more coming once they answer my in-game mail):
Reverria - Dentarg EU was my Guild leader in Dissident and now raids with Bad Omen
Mayoto - Talvanarr EU currently raids with Crab People

I am a cross server applicant and I found you through your information on I have no lag/dc’s as my schools wifi service is brilliant and if it fails (which I doubt will ever happen) they have a backup Ethernet server, which is also extremely fast. I do not have an authenticator on my account because my brother who lives in the UK plays starcraft on our account so with a 6 hour time difference and expensive international calls it wouldn’t be possible for us to share a single authenticator. I want to join your guild because your Raid hours and progress are both perfect for me and my plans for cataclysm. I am interested in entering cata with a strong raid group and a good chance of progressing quickly and efficiently through content. In order to keep myself informed about my class I use the websites,, and

I have been playing on EU realms for 4 years (2 on a different hunter during BC) and I have worked very hard to make myself a good hunter during that time. I am also interested in entering cataclysm with a competitive raid group, LoD and a fun/challenging raiding experience I have been involved in realm first boss races and worked with many good players over the years that have shown me that competitive-endgame raiding is really the most interesting thing I can do in WoW.

Previous guilds:
Focus (Bladefis t- EU) - This is the guild I started my ToTC progress with and was a large part of what made me a good hunter. The people were supportive and strong, getting the guild Tribute to Insanity 10-man. Unfortunately, our guild leader was a better player than a GL and he disbanded the guild for the guild bank money. After that, the guild fell apart.

Ataraxia (Bladefist - EU) - This is the guild I joined after Focus, which I progressed through lower spire with and killed festergut and rotface on 25 man before the guild got stuck on Putricide 25 and eventually dissolved. I learned a lot from this guild, as I decided to stay with it until the very end, even when most people were jumping ship.

Deadfist (Bladefist - EU) - This was the guild I progressed though the rest of ICC 25 normal with, up until we got stuck on LK. This is where I learned to properly play MM as it was one of the top guilds on the server and had plenty of helpful, knowledgeable hunters. Unfortunately, Deadfist's glory days were behind it, and as the guild struggled to kill LK 25 normal, I got an offer to play with the top guild on the server, which I took.

Dissident (Bladefist - EU) - This was the top guild on my server which got me all of my ICC 25 hc progress as well as my ICC 10 hc clear and all my LK 25 hc attempts (best consistent attempts were though the third valkyr's and once we pushed to the second transition but wiped shortly after the second Raging spirit spawned). I was with this guild for the majority of last year, where I enjoyed a spot in the core raid group, forged many friendships and had a lot of fun. This summer, however, we lost various officers and core players to top 20 guilds and were unable to continue raiding.

Past Tense (Bronzebeard - EU) - This is the late night guild I recently left, and while the people there were very mature and friendly, their progress was too far behind my own to make playing with them interesting. I would like to note that, although I was still in my trial period, I acted as more of a raid leader, where I positioned people, called out important announcements in vent and explained tactics.

Late Night (Silvermoon - EU) - This is my current late night raiding guild and while I am very happy here, my schedule as of september 18th will not allow me to continue raiding with them. Also they are less progressed than myself, which is less appealing to me as I have to progress things like Putricide and Sindragosa again which is not really exciting/interesting. With this guild, I am in a similar position as I was in Past Tense, and while I am only a trial I am responsible for calling heroisms, explaining tactics and reviewing wipes to figure out what people did wrong.

Spell rotation: I use a standard MM ArP build as well as a standard MM ArP rotation – HM/SS (at the start only), Chimera, Aimed, Steady (until Chimera or Aimed is off cooldown). Substitute Kill Shot at the top of the rotation if enemy is below 20% health, and substitute Arcane Shot when appropriate (only when I need to move and will not have time to stop for steady shots). There are a few key things that separate a good hunter from a average one. Very basic things aside (keeping your pet off aggressive and MDing to the right people for example) and also ignoring things that apply to all classes (situational awareness, fast thinking, threat management ect.) a good hunter is able to maintain maximum DPS on his target in all scenarios and using his utility mechanics to help the raid efficiently and appropriately. As far as DPS goes, good hunters know what to gem, where to gem and when to gem (ArP specifically comes to mind as a very misused stat) and can also maintain high DPS while moving by stuttering your movement to allow auto-shots to be fired (essentially, moving where you are supposed to be going, stopping for a split second to let the auto-shot go off, then continuing movement until another auto-shot is about to fire) and by using Arcane Shot as an extra instant while moving. Furthermore, good hunters prepot and bring the correct consumables to all raids (NOT eating fish feasts!), efficiently juggle aspects once mana becomes an issue in especially long fights, and keep SS’s as well as the piercing Shot DoT up on multiple targets. As a raid utility, good hunters are liberal with their traps (pre-trapping themselves on LDW for example or simply trapping those MCed), make good use of boss specific macro’s/abilities (tranq shot macro’s for LK, Disengage + Pack macro’s for Sindi ect.) and use MD’s wisely and pro-actively (if you see that mage who just got a fancy new ilvl 277 chest sneaking up on the tanks threat, no harm in tossing an MD out in the middle of the fight to ease the stess). These are all things that separate good from mediocre hunters, and I would like to point out that I do all of these things as regular practice.

Items: I am currently gemming/stacking ArP and am working on acquiring as much t10 ilvl 277 gear as I can. I chose my gear because it is best for my personal DPS and it was what was available to me at the time (unfortunately neither Sindi nor Fester have been very generous with there drops, but I just have to keep on going I guess). When I acquire new gear I use a hunter DPS calculator to determine whether it will be a worthwhile upgrade or not (the website I use is the popular

Talents & Glyphs: I have chosen my Talents/Glyphs to maximize my personal DPS and therefore the DPS of the raid. I am not unaccustomed to playing other speccs as I progressed through ToTC and ToTGC as SV and did all my BC progress as BM. I would be happy to change spec’s if the guild needed me to, and I will continue to optimize my specc/glyph choices as new expansions/patches are released.

Raiding Demeanor: I have been involved in enough realm first competitions and hardcore end-game raiding to have been in almost every unsavory guild/progress situation at least once, including being benched, given constructive criticism and stuck on a boss fight. I guarantee you, I think the guilds success if significantly more important than my own and if I am benched, criticized or frustrated, I always handle the situation in the way that is best for the guild. This means taking on the criticism and improving, focusing to find a way to finally beat an encounter in a productive way, and being available even when I am benched in case the guild needs me.

Additional information:
I am Currently living in the USA (Chicago IL to be precise), however I have an extremely flexible schedule that I have made work around my WoW raiding hours. On the topic of regional lag, I played all of my BC progress on a US realm from the EU and I can assure you that with the right setup, regional lag is negligible at worst and nonexistent at best.

Thank you for considering my application, and I hope I can receive some prompt and constructive feedback. If you want to ask any further questions, please email me at my registered email or send me a message on the forums and we can find a time to meet in-game.

Thanks again,

James Bentley aka Oricc, Bane of the Fallen King

One request I have, is that I would need a decision by next week, monday at the latest. This is because I need to finalize my schedule by then, should I be accepted, I will make my schedule fit around raid time, and If I am not accepted then I will not. I will do anything I can to facilitate this, however if this is not enough time for you to reach a decision then please consider my application withdrawn.thanks again for considering me application, and I hope to hear from you soon.

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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:10 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:47 pm
Posts: 1253
What is your favourite ability?


If you see that mage who just got a fancy new ilvl 277 chest sneaking up on the tanks threat, no harm in tossing an MD out in the middle of the fight to ease the stess

We award bonus points for killing casters true, but you'd get more points if you MD and kill the warlock instead of a mage.

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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:25 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
Posts: 5
I will not deny that one time, at the behest of our raid leader, I MD'ed to a DK who was being particularly annoying at the start of a BQL pull (Mayoto will remember him, Deathmoan I think it was) but besides that one instance, I always make sure I MD to the tanks ;) . Not that I haven't been tempted to pick off a few clothies every now and then, but you know what they say, with great power comes great responsibility.

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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:47 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
Posts: 5
And , in response to your question "what is your favorite ability" I would say my favorite hunter ability, without a doubt is Chimaera shot. I love it's versatility in PvP and it's wonderful ability of refreshing my Serpent sting in PvE (something I appreciate even more having played SV through all my Wotlk progress until ICC.

A few runners up would be:
Feign death (full control over your aggro at any moment is hard to beat, and messing with putri's oozes is fun too), and in that same theme, MD.

Disengage (saving my butt on LK, Sindi, Festergut, Rotface, BQL, Jaraxxus, Northrend beasts, and practically every other boss blizzard has ever created doesn't suck)

Lock and Load (Best. Proc. Ever.)

Kill Shot (Ranged execute!? I mean seriously, it doesn't get a lot better than that)

Unfortunately there are also some abilities that I am not so fond of:
Frost trap (specifically, not being able to launch it, I think this was designed specifically with the intent of making hunters lose to DK's on Saurfang DPSmeters)

Tranquilizing shot (sure, it gets me invited to LK attempts, but a shot that is useless 90% of the time? I'd rather just have them balance hunter DPS on LK a little bit)

Silencing Shot (don't get me wrong, I love silencing stuff, but I hate needing to macro it in and out, over and over again. Marrowgar - in, LDW - out, Saurfang - in, Valithria - out. I wish I could write a macro to do all the work for me!)

Aspect of the Wild (Raid leader: "So, who's DPS should be nerfed to get a tiny decrease to damage taken on half of our hydross fight? I know! Oricc, you do fine DPS anyway, pop AotW! hooray! two less damage every swing! " -_- )

But in all seriousness, I love the hunter class and pretty much everything we can do (even those listed above have their utility) and I do like using my special abilities in ways that you might not expect a hunter to do in a normal fight (like pretrapping yourself for LDW MD's or Deterrance tanking/kiting a boss for that last 2% push on a progression fight). ultimately I think blizzard has given us an excellent toolbox with which to help the raid, full of little tricks and obvious responsibilities, I just hope that stays the same through cata.

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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:57 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:02 am
Posts: 205
Hey Oricc! :)
was happy to see you'r application her.
Best of luck and i hope we have the chance to raid together again my friend :)

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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:04 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
Posts: 5
Hello crab people,

I want to thank you for reviewing my application, however, unfortunately I must withdraw it at this time. As I mentioned before, monday was the latest date I could alter my schedule to fit your raid hours and now it is too late.

Thanks again for considering me and best of luck in cata and beyond (mayo, I guess we'll just have to find another time to raid together)


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 Post subject: Re: Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:26 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:52 pm
Posts: 2377
Sorry for not answering quickly :( Our hunter spot depends on someone who hasnt made up his mind yet.

" As a disclaimer, please note that everything I am going to say is my personal opinion. I am asserting that I am correct because it’s my post and my opinion, but that does not mean that you have to agree with me. "

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 Post subject: Re: [Withdrawn] Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:33 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
Posts: 5
That's alright, I understand it happens sometimes :)

Still best of luck in cataclysm and I wish you all the best!

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 Post subject: Re: [Withdrawn] Oricc - Marksmanship hunter
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:09 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:02 am
Posts: 205
Cya round m8, feel free to ''bump'' this some other time down the road:)

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