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[Withdrawn] Rhodes - Hunter Application
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Author:  Rhodes [ Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  [Withdrawn] Rhodes - Hunter Application

About me: My Name is Johnathon, I'm an 18 year old English guy who is currently unemployed which means that the majority of my time during the weekdays is spent playing wow and on weekends often go out with friends, but doesnt mean im not in top shape on sundays :P

About my character:
Character Name: Rhodes
Class/Spec: Marksmanship Hunter
Armory Link: ... s/advanced

About my spec choices: The reason i am currently playing Marksmanship as my full time spec is that it is currently the highest dps spec for me. Before the recent patch i was playing Survival as at the time that was the spec to play but was quite happy to change to Marksmanship as i enjoy playing the spec more than any other. I have the knoledge and ability to play all of my classes specs if required and have done at certain points in time when it was asked of me. Currently using a widely used setup in my talent tree and at the moment with my current stats is the highest dps spec for me.

My history with wow: I started playing world of warcraft on the day that Wotlk hit (missed out on so much i know) from the day i first heard about raiding i was very interested in it and greatly enjoyed raiding naxx casually with the social guild i was in at the time. Raiding with a social guild was fun for a while but i quickly outgrew the general skill level of the guild and eventually left to join an actual raiding guild where i loved the enviroment of serious raiders who were all about getting bosses down. I took a break from raiding during the Ulduar patch (again missed alot of good content there) and returned to raiding during ToC where i had a great time with my guild and stood out as one of the most valuable players in it. Eventually left that guild due to the same reasons as leaving my social guild, i then joined up with the best guild i had been in to date which was the second best guild on my realm (Chamber of aspects) at this time Icecrown citadel was the current raid and we progressed through this very fast and i learned alot about raiding and how to play my class to its true potential. That guild eventually disbanded due to stress of recruiting and losing members :(. In cataclysm Me and several others from our ICC guild transfered to Talnivarr and formed <Local Wizards>, in this guild i was an officer and the main recruiter for the guild. In local wizards i have progressed through all 25 man encounters and one of them (Halfus) on heroic 25. Cataclysm is where i have really come into my element playing the best i have ever played and achieving records in both specs i have played. Unfortunately we decided to disband our guild as there just isnt room for another 25 man guild on the realm or at least one we would want to be part of which has lead me to apply here.

Character data:
UI ... 52205.jpg/


R = serpent sting
E = arcane shot
Q = chimera shot
F = steady/cobra shot
2 = kill shot
alt+R = Detterance
alt+scrolldown = disengage
alt+scrollup = Hunters mark
Mouse buttons cover the following:
Cooldown macros
Aspect macro


All cooldowns = /cast Rapid Fire
/cast Call of the Wild
/cast Blood Fury
/use Lightning-Charged Gloves
(i have various macros for popping different combinations of cooldowns)

Disengage + chute
/cast Disengage
/use Viewless Wings

Aspect change macro
/castsequence !Aspect of the Hawk, !Aspect of the Fox

Well thats just about everything thanks for reading.

Author:  Rhodes [ Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhodes - Hunter Application

Ah also feel free to whisper me ingame about anything regarding my character or application

Author:  Rhodes [ Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhodes - Hunter Application

It would appear we are having another shot at our guild so i am going to have to withdraw my application, sorry if i wasted anyones time reading.

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