Hey! My name is Erlend Michael Thue, Im a 16 year old student from Arendal, Norway.
My IRL interrests are.. hm.... WoW :>!
I spend about 8-12 hours every day at gaming this nightmare. I play a Death knight tank, but I got a rogue as my main. Reason I apply with my tank is that it is more likely you need a tank than dps.
My rogue is a scribe and flowerpickah!My raiding experiences are:
Pre-TBC: Onyxia, MC, BWL.
TBC: Karazhan, ZA, Maggy, Gruul, TK and I killed some bosses in BT, but that was in WotLK.
WotLK: Everything exept 2 drakes and 3 drakes.
I mostly have these acheivement on my rogue@ Cinthorc:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... n=CinthorcHere is a link to Cininpher:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... =CininpherHere you can see my raidUI:
My keybindings is easy and simple, even though I am not done modifying them yet.
1: Heart Strike
2: Plague Strike
3: Icy Touch
4: Death Strike
5: Blood Boil
Shift+4: Pestillence
G: Rune Strike
T: Death and Decay
Q: Blood Tap
|: Death Coil
V: Death Grip
E: Unholy Command
I got everything else macroed in my own way =)
Previous guildsEpiphany: I was in this guild in the middle of TBC@ august and september 2008. My gear was just starting to climb the ladder of imba when Iridium, the rogue class leader harrased me in public. This is personal issues I do not want to share more further. I have reported him 4 or 5 times, and he got banned for a short period.
Hell Bound: I was in this guild one week in WOLK. It was a swedish guild, as a norwegian they didnt understand shit what I said on ventrilo, and they lol'd at me. My specc was combat back then, and my gear sucked, so did my dps cycle. I think I had 2k dps back then, which resulted in a gkick. 1 week later I was awesome geared, muti specced, proper enchants, and had a kewl dps cycle that pimped me to about 4k of pwnage.
Heta nëttar i Haiti: Also a swedish guild. Reason I got kicked was because I was a bit over-ambisious in raids and chat. My attempts to do my best for guild was a little to much, and my determination to help leading was obviously irritating according to guild master---> kick :(
Angelic Abhorrence: I was in this guild for about a week because I was told it was a nice guild with all end-game content cleared.
After a retardedly failure at Razovious in naxx 10 when the OT didnt know how to use the orbs, /facepalm /guilddisband
Byebye guildo!
At the moment I am in your alt guild because I am a friend of mah boi T00nedbeats.
I have been in many other guilds. But that was just a short period of time, or just a fun guild, so no need mentioning.-------------------------------------------------------
What can I do for Cráb People, and who can recommend me? :OAs a person with good humour, sanity, hardiness, determination, passion and will to my task I can be a quite decent addition to the guild. I have raided with you before. I was in Malygos 25, and sarth with 20 people with my Rogue@ Cinthorc.
Personally I think I did a pretty decent job there, exept for failure at fire wall (cloak of shadows solved the issue)
As for recommendation you can talk to Tunedbeats, Ekkorn or Magasuki. They have raided with me, and can tell their story about my skillz, leadership, kindness and Passion.
Cininpher, out!