Real Life InformationName / Age: Tobias Berg / 20
Nationality: Swedish
Hobbies: Hooking up with my friends, spending some time with my gf, playing WoW and some TF2 when im bored.
Currently: I´m out of job, not styduing atm so im just relaxing at home all the time.
Character InformationName : Izzpen
Class / Level: Rogue / 80
Armory Link: ... &cn=IzzpenTalent Build: For the moment im using 20/51/0, with 2/2 in "Blood Spatter" to increase the dmg done with Rupture / Garrote by 30% instead of using 3/3 in "Improved Eviscerate".
Alt Characters: Feral / Resto druid on Genjuros in Heist. DK on Darksorrow guildless.
World of Warcraft ExperienceDidnt play WoW back in Vanilla. But in TBC i was playing on a Warlock as my main character, on Darksorrow EU. I was in a guild called Chuck and Boogieman inc, we had a great raid progress and we cleared everything, and we made the pre q for MH/BT before the patch. We was one of the first guilds on server to take down Archimonde and then we made a great progress in BT. Camed to Illidan, took him down. But after that i folks leaved the guild, so we disbanded. And i took a break from WoW, but then i lvled up my Rogue on The Maelstrom EU with some IRL friends. But never joined a guild, just pugged BT etc just before the release of WOTLK. And in wotlk i first lvled up my DK with a IRL friend guild and raided Naxxramas etc, but folks stoped playing so i lvled up my Rogue to 80 instead and started to play on it more and more. And then i joined a guild called CR on Darksorrow EU (as Alliance) and raided with them, we had a pretty good raiding progress trough Ulduar/ToTc and in ICC. I have exp for 10/12 HM ICC 25 from CR, but I leaved guild for some week ago cause we almost never got folk to raids, so my irl friends here on Talnivarr told me to came here so i did.
UI: Downloaded and using this UI package atm: my PvE gear i got 1189/84.95% passive ArP. But in raids im using "Hearty Rhino" + "Elixir of Armor Piercing" to increase my ArP a bit. Out over that i always bring Healing/Haste Potions to raids.
Why you Cráb People should recruit me?Because that i´ve got the same experience that you have. Have killed and progressed so much in this game. I´m a player that have some really nice skills, behaviour and a very good sence of humour. While i´m raiding, im off from RL and only focusing and 100% concentrated on whats going on in game. If im not sure what to do on a new fight or such, i read tactics on forums etc so im always full updated to a raid. And at last, i can take criticism ofc!
What i want from you?Well, as new one in the guld i want some spots to show you what i go for :). I´m raiding everyday day, and sometimes also on weekends if nothing else is going on. And, i want a guild that is proffesional with proffesional players that know what they do etc, and that folks have good humour both in vent and in game.
Well, dont have so much else to say. This was my application, hope you enjoyed reading it. If you want to know anything else outover this application, just whisper me in game / send me a mail or such.Hope to get a answer from you soon.
Your dear friend Tobias "Izzpen" Berg