Cráb People

A 25-man raiding guild on EU-Talnivarr
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 Post subject: [Declined] shadow priest x-realm x-faction application
PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:59 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:45 pm
Posts: 2
Hey Crab People!

(Wall-o-text inc, but I'll try to make it pretty :))

Personal Information

Name: Johan Samuelsson
Age: 25
Nationality: Swedish
Total played time: 237 days, 98 on lv80.
Play schedule availability: I should have no problem attending raids. And I play alot outside of raids too, doing alot of bgs and some arena. Usually playing ~5-6h/day.
Preferred method to contact you: Here on forums.

Character Information:

Character’s Name: Shizue (might change when/if I transfer if it's taken, havent checked yet)
Class/Race: Priest/Human (Ud/Troll)
Armory link: ... &cn=Shizue

Character/Game-play Questions:

Please explain the strengths and weaknesses of your spec:
As a Shadow Priest, I can provide heavy aoe damage on encounters that
requires that. Mass Dispel and normal dispel is a great tool for SPs when the healers have too much healing to cover.
Weakness is single target dps, which has improved alot lately but still is quite low compared to other classes.

In which areas do you feel you could improve yourself when it comes to raiding?
I guess more keybinding wouldn't hurt. But a handicap on my left hand (missing 2 fingers) makes it hard for me to use alt and ctrl,
I do however have some bindings for the most important spells and abilities I frequently use, such as mass dispel, dispel magic, abolish disease, the offensive abilities etc.

My UI has always been a laughing stock for my guild mates in the guilds I've been in. But playing with Blizzards standard UI has
never inflicted in my decision making or reflexes in any way, since I've grown so used to it. I use very limited addons, the ones I do use are DBM, Grid, MSBT, Omen and sometimes recount.

Do you have any WWS logs or world of logs etc so we can check your performance?
We had one guy doing logs in my latest guild, but since he left I don't think there's been any logs in our raids. So sadly I can't provide any fresh
ones at the moment

My History:

What are your past PvE experiences?

Vanilla: MC,ZG,AQ20,BWL
Tbc: Everything up to and including KJ.
Wotlk: Everything up to ICC25hc 11/12 and 11/12 10mhc

Have you taken any extended breaks from WoW before?
Before TBC was released I had a small break, but not since that no.

What previous guilds have you been in and why did you leave them?
This list would be long if I'd start from the beginning, so I'll start from TBC.
In TBC I was in a guild called Illuminators on Skullcrusher. When that guild
bit the dust, I started a new character on Saurfang, after a while I got tired of that new char and transfered my old priest there, which I have been playing on since.

On Saurfang I started on my priest in a horde guild called Notorious, which did both Celestial Defender and Death's Demise.
Notorious disbanded after our guild leader got accepted into Memento Mori on Frostmane server (guess he wasn't happy with our progress).

After that I joined the 2nd best guild on Saurfang, Denique, which is/was an alliance guild that had some decent progress with realm first Grand Crusader, for example.

Now I'm looking for a new guild since Saurfang is more or less a deserted server in terms of player base and PvE progress.

Have you been in a position of responsibility in a guild before (i.e. an officer rank or something similar)?
No, I have always been and will be a devoted and happy raider


What are you primary reasons for wanting to PvE?

I believe that this game is about two things, having fun and improving character, in PvE I can do both, allthough ICC has been quite disappointing I must say.

What made you apply to Crab People?
You have the progress I'm used to and I hope you can help me gain the last achievement for my 25m drake haha, only miss Neck-Deep in Vile :D
Anyway, I can't possible know if you're a friendly guild since I have never played on Talnivarr at all. I can however say that well-progressed guilds
usually have a nice athmosphere and nice players and I hope Crab People has that as well ;)

I'm also looking for a new home where I hope I can stay for the upcoming adventures in Cataclysm! :)

Are you active outside of raids? (Not required but defiantly a plus).

Yes, as I mentioned before, I'm not a raid-logger of any kind, I do play alot and do other stuff than raiding.
I have alot, ALOT of alts, almost one of every class at 80 hehe, so you can see I'm quite active.

What are your thoughts on the following: Raid related achievements, farm raids and the current content?
I believe most of the top guilds still haven't got their 25m drakes since you almost always have someone that needs loot
from heroic mode and some of the achievements are quite challenging on that mode. I however enjoy doing achievements but it's nothing I prioritize over progress.

Why should we give you a trial, what can you offers us?
I'm a very devoted WoW player with alot of experience in the game. I have done almost evething you can do in it and I consider myself
a good player with a friendly attitude and a relaxed as a raiding member.

What do you expect from us?

I expect a guild that knows what they're doing. Having stable raids and being civil to one and other,
which is something I prioritize high. Everyone can make mistakes now and then but ofc they should be reproofed if they repeaditly make the same mistake.

Character customization/Extra:

What addons do you use?
As stated before, I only use DBM, Grid, Omen and MSBT (MikScrollingcombattext) sometimes recount too.

Can you provide a screen shot of your current UI?
Yes of course, my bets are you won't like it, though, but I shouldn't be judged by my UI imo. Anyway, here:

How did you come to hear of Crab People (wowprogess/mmochampion etc)?
Through WoW progress

Do you have any other information or anything else to add?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on MSN:

or in-game Shizue @ Saurfang (might be on my current leveling alt too called Ãbel)

Best regards.


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 Post subject: Re: shadow priest x-realm x-faction application
PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:13 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:45 pm
Posts: 2
Found some logs after all, I do know I can perform better than what's in these, though:

random marrowgar fight ... =360&e=731

random festergut fight ... 929&e=7176

another random marrowgar fight ... =241&e=428

random deathwhisper fight ... 750&e=1092

random deathbringer saurfang fight ... 874&e=3099

last one, a random princes fight ... 927&e=4232

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 Post subject: Re: shadow priest x-realm x-faction application
PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:50 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:05 am
Posts: 4
Good luck Shiz :p

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 Post subject: Re: shadow priest x-realm x-faction application
PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:54 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:52 pm
Posts: 2377

We arent looking for a shadow priest atm and you should work on your DoT uptime :s

" As a disclaimer, please note that everything I am going to say is my personal opinion. I am asserting that I am correct because it’s my post and my opinion, but that does not mean that you have to agree with me. "

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