Cráb People

A 25-man raiding guild on EU-Talnivarr
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 Post subject: [Accepted] X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:20 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:44 pm
Posts: 293
Hello Crabs;
Im Nimwen (aka Tosaa). I currently play on Burning Legion(EU) as Alliance and this is my application for Crab People.

Personal Information:
My name is Efe and im 22 years old from Turkey. I live alone in Istanbul and working at a youth agency as a social media consultant. Im interested in internet, gaming and swimming.

Why do i play WoW:

I love playing World of Warcraft because it has become a passion for me. I dont enjoy any other game for long time. I love raiding and pvping, also like raiding with alts. I've never been an achievement guy but i always had an interest on some unique achievements which requires good raiding performance and where you cant outgear.

WoW Career:
I started playing WoW on a friend's account whose arm was injured and asked me to level his character. I liked playing the game and after a week i bought my own account and started playing a Mage. Back in vanilla in year 2006, i've experienced full clear of ZG/AQ20 and MC with my irl friends' guild.

When TBC hit, i continued playing my mage and raided Karazhan up to Curator in first month of the expansion. Irl friend guild had some irl issues and i decided to take a break. After 2 months i came back with my friend's account again, who convinced me to play his druid. I liked playing druid so that i started raiding again. After few casual guild jumps, i joined Awakening. I've raided through Maggy, Gruul, fish boss in SSC and loot reaver in TK with Awakening. After few weeks, guild decided to merge with Bex, which failed/ended with drama and Awakening members left/formed Eclipse. Eclipse did not raid and i decided to make an application to Madhouse. This was my first step for hardcore raiding. By the time i joined Madhouse, they had Vashj on farm and preparing to try Kael. I havent been on Kael first kill but i was there on almost all first kills in MH/BT. Few months passed and one day i had a serious family issue which dragged me near quitting the game. Few days later problem was solved and i wanted to raid in Madhouse again but my spot was already filled. I was talking with Spike for a long time, learning from him about being a good resto druid. While we were talking in these days, i told him that im not a raider at Madhouse anymore. He offered me a trial spot and i joined Crab People. Back in these days, i was different. I was not paying that much attention to be a true hardcore raider. I remember the day Santori got shocked when he saw me raiding with pvp spec (no improved motw) and i was like 'chill, whats the problem'. But i wasnt aware of the situation at all. My only concern was beating Spike on healing metorz (which actually happened on Illidari Council, but i've failed to watch out for people with poison where Spike covered up my fail). Eventually i've failed my trial in Crab People. After all that happened, i was making plans to migrate for casual rading with irl friends. Then Madhouse needed a resto druid again and i stayed on Talnivarr. With Madhouse i've experienced everything up to M'uru pre 3.0 patch. Also experienced everything up to SWP as a mage with alt runs.

When WotLK hit, i decided to continue with my mage. Cleared first tier of the expansion with Madhouse. While the content was on farm, my irl friends convinced(also forced-.-) me to play with them. As a result, i've left Madhouse and migrated to Dunemaul for more casual raiding. After Ulduar came out, i've done all up to Yogg. While spending hours/days on Yogg, guild had drama and stopped raiding. Meanwhile i started to level my druid on Talnivarr. When i hit 80, Madhouse needed a resto druid again and i found myself a raid spot after few days i dinged. I've cleared everything except Yogg+0 and Tribute to Immortality as a resto druid before Icecrown Citadel came out. On Feb 10' i've found a job and moved to Istanbul. Before i moved and because of new life requirements like cash and stuff i put my account on sale. Also i wanted to quit wow once and for all. But since there was nothing else to do, i kept raiding to fill up my empty time. My account being on sale while i was raiding became an issue and i got demoted. 2 days later i sold my account and a week later i moved. After all things set and i had free time after work, i decided to start WoW again. On March 10' i bought myself a new account and leveled a mage for casual playing. Did some alt runs with Madhouse but it wasnt enough for me. I wanted to raid again but Madhouse was full on Mages. I found myself raiding with Ransom guild through Icc25 with 25% zone buff. In there, i've experienced 25m heroics up to Putricide. After few weeks, things got stop working in Ransom. And there my irl friends convinced me to play with them once again! Migrated to Burning Legion and rerolled alliance(sigh). They promised a new guild with core players but it never happened. Then i joined guild named Choséns just to fill up some time. There i've downed Putricide25 heroic and started progressing LK25HC. Unfortunately we couldnt get past first transition phase in that progress. Lack of discipline priests we couldnt kill him on 10m either. Cataclysm release date was getting closer and guild decided to stop raiding until expansion. Meanwhile i started leveling a druid. When i hit 80 officers told me that they could use me as balance, and i rerolled once again.

When Cataclysm got hit i was fully prepared and dinged 85 in 17 hours also got Realm First 85 Druid on a full realm. But unfortunately, i had to wait others to catch me up. We started raiding 1 week later and did some casual 10m progress while waiting for more lazy people, for 25m raiding. What we did was in 10m raids. Then we started to boost people through 25m raids. Teaching them tactics all over again, wiping again and again. Until these last few days, it was all going fine for me. Casual raiding that is. It was more social environment than hardcore raiding and i was keeping up with it. But in last few days(weeks actually) we pretty much stopped progressing and started to teach people how to play the game. 6 year old raiders and 2 days old raiders in same raid.. So that i've decided to go back on hardcore raiding again and there i am.

Character Info:
Name: Nimwen
Race/Class: Nelf Druid (Soon to be a Troll)
Spec: Balance
Offspec: Resto
Alts: 80 Human Mage
Armory: ... n/advanced

Cataclysm raiding experience: 9/12 Normal(25), tries on Cho'gall and Neffy
Also watched all heroic videos available when first kill videos came out so i have a clue pretty much on all fights.

How do i play my class:
As a balance druid my stat priority is: (Assuming im hit capped) int=sp>haste>crit>mastery. After 4.0.6 Mastery becomes more valuable than crit.

My gem choices are: A bit messed up atm with all those blue gems to meet the requirements for Chaotic Skyflare Diamond. After 4.0.6 its gonna require 3 red gems (Also going to use Burning Skyflare Diamond which is 54 int instead of 54 crit) so gemming wont be an issue. I'll be gemming for pure int as long as socket bonus is something less than 20 int. To meet socket bonuses i'd use Purified Demonseye and Reckless Ember Topaz.

My Glpyhs choices:
Prime: Glpyh of insect swarm and Glyph of moonfire + Glyph of wrath for now. After i get 4th set piece im going to test out Glyph of starfire as many people say its dps increase, for stand and turret fights at least. On fights where i need to move a lot i'd prefer Glyph of wrath. Also on fights where my starfall can hit multiple targets i'd use Glyph of starsurge for 3rd prime glpyh slot.
Major: Glyph of starfall and Glpyh of Rebirth are my choices for first 2 slots. As 3rd, i'd prefer Glpyh of Focus as its a dps increase(tiny but still) for my starfall and also allows me to control my stars more easily (shields@Omnotron Golems etc). Because of that usually i need to stand in 15yard range of the target, which i can on most of the encounters.

Reforging: To get hit capped most of my gear is reforged to Spirit atm, from mastery and crit. Then i reforged mastery and crit to haste. In 4.0.6 i'd reforge from crit first, than mastery.

Talent: My primary raiding talent choice is ... nt/primary which includes aoe enchanting talents. Assuming i use innervate on myself, i dont need Furor for +15% mana. I havent experienced heroic bosses yet but if my innervate is required for a healer i'd remove 2 points from Dreamstate and 1 point from Blessing of the Grove and put it into Furor. Also change my Glpyh of Focus to Glpyh of Innervate if i still have mana issues.
Offspec is pve resto atm: ... /secondary

Professions: Enchanting and Jewelcrafting for standard raider professions. I also admit that Tailoring is the best profession for pretty much all caster dps atm. I'm thinking of rerolling Tailoring-Engineering but it wont happen until i stock up some gold >.>

My role in raids:
Since the day i started playing WoW, i've always been a more hyperactive player than my friends. Always pressing buttons, always casting something. Always in a need of moving when casting instants. To be a good player, you always need to be in action.
As a balance druid my first duty is to dps. Than comes being a druid responsibilities like using Combatres, Innervate, Tranquility and even Taunt/Shadowmeld while dead tank is accepting his combatres which i learned and most enjoyed, also got a first kill with this as a night elf.
My dps rotation in raid: Pre pot first then i start applying Insect swarm + Moonfire. Casting one Starsurge then popping Starfall and Treants(if bl is not going to be used in next 3mins). Then i pop Heart of Ignacious while Power Torrent and Volcanic Destruction are procced and start casting Starfire until Solar Eclipse. Then i start casting Wrath and re-apply dots when they're about to fall off. Casting Starsurge when its off cd or on Shooting Stars proc, then keep casting Wrath until Lunar Eclipse. Then its pretty much repeat and use Treants/Starfall when they're off cd (damage taken increase bosses or damage done gained encounters are exceptions for using cds as soon as they're up). Trying to stack trinket with both Power Torrent and Volcanic Destruction procs. Also popping a pot on Bloodlust/Time Warp.

5=Insect Swarm
7=Solar Beam
Mouse Button 5=Starfall
Mouse Button 4=Trinket1
Mouse Button 2=Thorns/Self
Mouse Button 3=Thorns/Target
Mouse Button 6=Barkskin
F=Remove Corruption
V=Nature's Grasp
Shift+X=Ground mount
R=Travel Form
F2=Moonkin Form
F4=Bear Form
Shift+F3=Aquatic Form
F5=Cat Form
F7=Flight Form
Keyboard's macro button 6=Rebirth
Keyboard's macro button 5=Revive
Keyboard's macro button 4=Hurricane
Keyboard's macro button 1=Drink

Tidyplates: Threatplates
Power Auras
Badboy antispam

My Ui: Unfortunately i dont have a pic of my updated ui in a raid environment. The only raid i've done after customizing my new ui, was as healer role. So i've taken a pic while dummy testing. ... 223409.jpg Its pretty much this, plus raid frames on the top of chat window, omen near recount and boss mods on mid-left side.

Raid Logs: Again, i dont have a recent log as balance. Sadly, guild needed healers most of the time but you can check some old(few weeks) logs:

Technical Equipment:
Intel Core 2 Duo @2.2Ghz
Ati Radeon HD4850 256bit
2GB DDR2 Ram
All settings on good + partical density on ultra, min fps im having is 15 in a 25m raid environment.
Using DSL 8Mbit, ms is <100 most of the time.
Have a working mic and im not afraid to use it >.>

Why Crab People and what do i expect:
I want to raid with people that put effort on what they're doing as much as i do. You've always been the high end raiding guild i knew, since you were 'Last Stand'. Playing with irl friends plan has gone which was the only reason i was playing alliance, now i'd like to roll horde again. What i expect from Crab People is; a fair boomchicken spot in a good quality progressing raid. And a social guild environment where both seriousness and fun exists.

What can Crab People expect from me:
As i live behind a screen, i'll be attending every raid as long as life doesnt fk up with me. Im dedicated player and fast learner. I learn from my own mistakes, also from others' mistakes and i dont do the same personal mistake twice. Im also capable of taking criticism if i screw up. I always keep myself updated about my class and boss mechanics, always have a clue for anything before actually attempting/doing it.

Thanks for reading my application. If i missed some information that you would like to know, please ask :)


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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:07 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:02 am
Posts: 205
Thumbs up. :)

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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:07 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 1952
Long time no see, Tosaa

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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:25 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:44 pm
Posts: 293
Hey Miba, hows it going?


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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:39 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 1952
Great times :) not playing anymore, but instead I got this wierd real life shit going on with a job and that... Hows u?

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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:41 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:44 pm
Posts: 293
Everything is great, living in work-home-wow cycle :)


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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:52 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 1952

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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:39 pm 
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Joined: Tue May 19, 2009 7:54 am
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I played in Awakening. Did you use the same name? Can't remember you :[

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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:48 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:44 pm
Posts: 293
I used same name and i remember you, too bad you dont :(


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 Post subject: Re: X-Realm Balance Druid
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:51 am 
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Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:12 pm
Posts: 393
Location: Haugesund, Norway
Not even saying Hi to me nor bevern? THIS IS MADNESS.
Gl tho!

WoW is unique

It's the only game that gives you more skills than you can realistically bind on your keyboard and mouse and yet still takes close to no skill to play.

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